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"Tourmaline Pink"
the 4th VBR 13.1 medal:

As I was trying to decide what color to make this medal my daughter, Katie, asked if I could make one for her birthstone. Tourmaline is one of the stones for October, and it happens to also be Katie's favorite color... PINK! 

To purchase a medal

Send $18 to PayPal via:

Please put your mailing address in the note section!

"Aquamarine Blue"
the 3rd VBR medal:
This medal was created in honor of  my friend, and melanoma survivor/ warrior, Kristi Donahue. She has dedicated her personal FB page to educating others about skin cancer and sharing stories of Melanoma Warriors and Melanoma Angels. She is also a hair dresser and isn't afraid to tell clients when she finds something suspicious on their scalp! She's amazing, she's a fighter, and she's a Life saver! Everything The Virtual Birthday Run is about! I decided to color the medal after March's birthstone, aquamarine.
I still have a few left! 
To purchase a medal

Send $18 to PayPal via:

Please put your mailing address in the note section!

"Topaz Orange"
the 2nd VBR medal:
My brother Paul's brithday was in November, and his wish was to make it to his 40th birthday. He passed away just a few months shy of that goal. When I created this medal I was turning 40, so I decided to color the medal after November's birthstone, topaz.
These are currently sold out.*
*If you are interested in this color you may email me via the "contact" tab and let me know your interest. There is a minimum 50 that is needed to purchase. If I get enough interest I will add this item back to inventory.
"Ruby Red"
the 1st VBR medal:
Since my brithday is in July, and my brother passsed away in July from melanoma, I decided to color the medal after July's birthstone, the ruby.
These are currently sold out.*
*If you are interested in this color you may email me via the "contact" tab and let me know your interest. There is a minimum 50 that is needed to purchase. If I get enough interest I will add this item back to inventory.
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